As far as my caste is concerned, he has crossed all the boundaries of love

As far as my caste is concerned, he has crossed all the boundaries of love
As far as my caste is concerned, he has crossed all the boundaries of love


There was a time when the office of the "Contemporary" was in an old building in old Anarkali, in this building there were a few offices and the rest were flats and houses, in which some very eminent personalities lived, as soon as they entered my office. There was a reception with a few chairs and my secretary's table in one corner, next to it was my office where I did other reading and writing besides work!

And this is about 2005 when one day my secretary informed me on the intercom that a head "Manda" has come to see you. Yes, the secretary insisted that Sir "Manda" gives his name as Qamar Riaz and when this "Manda" came to my room I saw a Sanola Salona with beautiful features. Manda was standing in front of me, he sat down on the chair in front of me and after a few minutes of talking I guessed that this boy could say lion or he could say lion and both my guesses turned out to be correct because he also said lion. And he knew the style of reciting poetry, but he had not yet attained the maturity which he later gradually showed. During the conversation, I also found out that he was thinking this way these days.

Three years after this incident, I met Qamar Riaz at a mushaira in Sharjah, presided over by me and here Qamar Riaz was waving the audience with his poetry with both hands. He was invited from Muscat as a poet where he made a living. I went to earn money and then it happened that I got a chance to see this young man very closely. I found out that the young man is not only a very good poet but also a very high level person, he respects everyone and loves The fact is that he does not discriminate between men and women in this regard. There may be mutual resentment among women regarding his lack of love, but male friends have never complained about it. He looks at them all at a glance. Yes, and he does literature for everyone. He mentions those whom he does not even call very polite. For example, Arshad Sahib used to like me very much, he used to respect him very much, but after looking at him closely, he found out that I It was a mistake, I will not say anything more than that, after all, they have been my friends. Uses only the term.

And as far as my caste is concerned, he has crossed all the boundaries of love and one of the signs of his love is my "pictorial biography" published at a cost of Rs. 15 lakhs, which he spent two years preparing. I worked hard at night and published pictures of all the stages from the time of my youth till now on the most expensive offset paper and Naseer Baloch's international standard press at a considerable table book size. This is the person about whom Munir Niazi may have said in another sense that "I kill the one I love" but Qamar Riaz's love is something like that. Qasmi Literary and Journalistic Award was also presented to the personalities of which one lakh rupees was also offered. Therefore, the first fiction award was presented to Asad Mohammad Khan for which he came to Lahore from Karachi specially. Zafar Iqbal honored this award and this award was presented to Javed Chaudhry in column writing.

And this same Qamar Riaz who was thinking in 2005 what he should do for a living, went to Muscat and maybe got a job in a marble factory there and now, God willing, he himself is a factory owner and looking for the best marble. I travel to different countries but he has not forgotten poetry and friends but his love is growing. However, here are a few things about Qamar Riaz's life that I have been able to say. Let me state on the "appropriate" occasion and yes in the end one thing which if not stated would have been an injustice to one of my unseen benefactors and that is the love of countless friends besides Qamar Riaz who they have in their hearts for me. In his place but a friend who met me for the first time left everyone behind in terms of his love for me, he came to me and said sir do you know how much I love you? I had no idea at all But I said to Maruta, "Yes, I have an idea." He said, "My dear, I want to spend all my time with you." I said, "I will be happy." All right, you should keep me with you when you go abroad for consultations. ”I think this devotee of mine will be killed by Uzair Ahmed.

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