Economic Stability and Mutual Aid Movement

Economic Stability and Mutual Aid Movement
Economic Stability and Mutual Aid Movement


The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) is one of the most diverse organizations of the modern era, founded in August 1895. The rules and regulations laid down at the time of its formation provided that the Alliance would establish a society aimed at the well-being of mankind based on mutual cooperation and self-help. ۔ The founding members of the Alliance also pledged to continue their efforts for lasting peace and security in the world. In order to keep the Mutual Aid Movement in touch with the people, the ICA decided in 1920 to organize a global "Mutual Aid Day" because of the purpose of the movement since World War I. Much damaged. The ICA was looking for unity internationally. The main purpose of celebrating Mutual Aid Day was that every year all the co-operatives around the world should express their firm belief and determination that they will strive for the survival of humanity. But celebrates "Cooperative Day" and keeps the cooperatives informed of new issues every year. So that they can think of a solution together.

Cooperatives around the world are celebrating the 100th International Day of Cooperatives (coops day) on July 2, 2022. The slogan of this year's coops day is: "Cooperatives build a better world". In his message, the UN Secretary-General said that in order to restore trust and shine a ray of hope, we need cooperation and understanding. Cooperatives have been moving in this direction for almost two centuries. The 33rd World Cooperative Congress, organized by the International Cooperative Alliance in December 2021, highlighted the importance of cooperatives and highlighted how the joint efforts of cooperatives are mobilizing people to tackle global problems. The Director General of ICA said, “ica invites operators around the world to spread the word about how our humane business model is about self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, fairness, solidarity, Inspired by the ethical values ​​of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others, he is building a better world.

Working around the world, co-operatives in many different sectors of the economy have proven themselves to be more flexible in the face of above-average crises. Cooperatives promote economic partnership, fight environmental degradation and climate change, create good jobs, contribute to food security, limit financial capital to local communities, build chains of ethical values, and Contribute to the improvement of people's economic conditions and security by playing a positive role. Cooperatives are the only enterprise model with globally agreed principles based on shared ethical values. Show how cooperators build a better world. World Cooperative Day has been celebrated around the world since 1923. The purpose of coopsday is to raise awareness about cooperatives and to promote the ideas of international solidarity, economic efficiency, equality and the global peace movement. Since 1995, ica and the United Nations, through the Cooperative Promotion and Development Committee (COPAC), have jointly formulated the theme of coops day. Through coops day, local and global policy makers, civil society organizations and the general public in particular can learn about the contribution of cooperatives to a secure future. ”

The celebration of this day on a global scale was also initiated in order for the nations involved in the international movement for the development and welfare of mankind to renew their commitment to continue their efforts and fulfill their responsibilities with full conviction and confidence. Make mutual aid organizations more efficient and effective with hard work, honesty and dedication. Today, we must pledge that we will wholeheartedly play our part in making the Mutual Aid Movement more active and effective in Pakistan, with a spirit of truth, honesty and selfless service. May the mutual aid movement in Pakistan be promoted as much as possible and may our country emerge from all crises and take the form of an economically strong Pakistan. May Allah help us in achieving this goal. Amen!

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