Four trillion CNG industry devastated

Four trillion CNG industry devastated
Four trillion CNG industry devastated

 The three-and-a-half-year rule of former Prime Minister Imran Khan has destroyed the country's economy in the same way that politics has sunk the country's economy. There is no precedent for being targeted. One of the reasons for the failure of the Imran Khan government was inflation which made the lives of the people miserable. After the change of government, the people hoped that the return to old Pakistan would bring back the prices of necessities of life. In the last three months, the people have become more anxious. The sharp rise in petrol and diesel prices has skyrocketed inflation. K Electric has become a white elephant for the country's economy. The government will now have to decide on the economic situation and load shedding. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif will have to focus on improving the country's economic situation. On the one hand, Finance Minister Muftah Ismail termed the increase in petrol price as part of the previous government's agreement with the IMF, while Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif is linking the price increase with the price of oil in the world market. It is damaging the political credibility. They have to remember that the present government is only one and a half years old. Then they have to go before the people. In the current economic situation of Pakistan, the people are suffering the most due to inflation. There has been a sharp rise in the prices of petrol, which has led to an increase in the prices of other essential commodities. Huge foreign exchange is being spent on importing petrol from abroad. We have to reactivate the existing infrastructure, but the previous government deliberately destroyed the industry, thousands of people lost their jobs due to its collapse, the restoration of CNG will reduce the pressure of petroleum products and distribute, Pakistan of the world It is a fortunate country that is rich in natural resources, natural gas is the country's power According to OGRA's 2019-2020 report, Pakistan consumes 3195 million cubic feet of natural gas on a daily basis. If five percent of this is given to CNG stations, the industry It will not only mobilize but also restore the jobs of millions of unemployed employees. On the other hand, it will help improve the economy and reduce economic pressures. The revival of this industry will also help the government in terms of income tax and sales tax. The money will be received, CNG tariff will be Rs.1000, MMB UT will also benefit Sui Southern and Sui Northern Gas Company financially.
The government should immediately focus on the CNG industry to improve the economic situation. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Federal Minister Musaddiq Malik will also have to immediately contact the CNG owners and take positive decisions in this regard. Many dilapidated industries and factories will be rehabilitated, but the use of CNG will also help curb the rise in prices of petroleum products in all walks of life, reducing the hardships of ordinary citizens. These days, due to high rents, they are facing severe problems for which it is becoming difficult to run a house and pay utility bills in this era of inflation. We need to reduce petrol quota, the government should sign an agreement with Russia to buy petrol, move ahead with the gas pipeline project with Iran Billions of rupees are buried in Rekodak, so far we have not made a single penny We have wasted billions of rupees. While the rise in petrol prices is nothing short of a bomb under the present government, on the other hand, Pakistan is also facing a catastrophic situation in the power sector. Shahbaz Sharif has disappointed him by announcing "load" of further load shedding in July. The Prime Minister had directed to reduce the duration of load shedding from May. We have to make a charter of economy, not just one year but at least ten years in which all the institutions including the government and the opposition have to come on one page. The freedom of the nation is recognized.

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