The current corrupt and outdated system of Pakistan is the root cause of all problems

The current corrupt and outdated system of Pakistan is the root cause of all problems
The current corrupt and outdated system of Pakistan is the root cause of all problems


Dear country, the current corrupt and outdated system of Pakistan is the root cause of all problems. Patriotic leadership cannot be achieved without getting rid of thieves, looters and corrupt people. The fact is that the place of thieves, looters and corrupt people is not in the assemblies but in the jails. Ironically, the PML-N, the PPP and the PTI have worked together to bring the country and the nation to the point where problems abound today. The 22 crore people of the country do not need an imported government or elected rulers at this time, they just need a patriotic leadership that can solve their problems on an urgent basis. The only way out of the current crisis is new elections. Pakistan has to move forward in accordance with the 1973 constitution. The situation in the country is getting worse day by day. A conspiracy is being hatched to push the country towards civil war due to internal chaos and chaos. Some elements also want to jeopardize national interests for their own political interests. Ensuring their prevention, it is now imperative to end negative politics. The tragedy is that Pakistan's independence, sovereignty and security are at stake. All opposition parties should work for the public interest instead of squabbling. The 1973 constitution defines the constitutional and legal boundaries of all institutions. Each other's boundaries should be respected. Surprisingly, those who are now raising the slogan of change are extending a hand of friendship to those who are conspiring against their own government. The Americans are apologizing to Donald Lowe. It seems as if they have realized that they will never get power by spoiling relations with the United States, so the PTI is now flattering the United States. What a hypocritical politics. Is? The fact of the matter is that due to the reckless policies of the rulers in Pakistan, the unemployment rate of highly educated people has risen to 16 per cent. So redness is nothing but pop. Nowadays, the electricity bill of a normal household is not less than 200 units. If the government wants to provide real relief to the people, it should end inflation and announce free electricity supply at least 200 units. The approval of a phase-wise increase in electricity prices after petrol is also troubling. The country is already in a storm of inflation. Such unwise decisions will only increase inflation. There is no denying the fact that the sovereignty and security of a country whose economic policies are shaped by foreign institutions is at stake. The rulers have adopted shameful policies of mortgaging national institutions and borrowing from the IMF. Ironically, the price of oil in the world market has decreased by ڈالر 10 per barrel, but it is steadily rising in Pakistan, while foreign economists are predicting that the price will fall to 45 45 per barrel by 2023. This is the place of regret for our rulers. He said that since July 1, more than 400 mills across Punjab have been shut down due to gas shutdown, which is expected to reduce exports to the textile industry by   1 billion. It seems that the rulers cannot formulate a policy without asking the IMF. The manner in which the prices of petroleum products have been mercilessly increased over the last three months is unprecedented. Inflation has broken a 13-year record. Food prices have risen by 30 percent and electricity by 52 percent. Transporters have increased fares by 62%, while 70% are in danger of being shut down. Unfortunately, at present there is not a single sector whose performance can be described as satisfactory. The question is how the PML-N and PTI will be able to go public in the next by-elections due to their worst performance. The people will surely ask them about inflation, poverty and rising unemployment. The parties in power in the recent past, the PML-N, the PPP and the PTI, will have to answer for this.

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