Otherwise goats and nations use the horns only to scratch

Otherwise goats and nations use the horns only to scratch.
Otherwise goats and nations use the horns only to scratch.


In those days when I used to go through a goat market, I used to feel that goats look at me with a lot of love. You, of course, like other white coats, ask our brother-in-law, but like all of them, go back home empty-handed, shedding tears over your longings. He would count his teeth and look for any defect in it and when he was satisfied in every way, he would say to the merchant, "Yes, teacher, what is the use of this hireling?" None of them would say less than seventy thousand. Looking at it, I would say, "Twenty-five thousand." "On hearing this, the merchant would turn away in contempt, but the goat would have been happy!"

All of a sudden I saw a goat and I was shocked to see a goat among so many "non-mahrams"! I asked the businessman what was the matter. I took the goat and started coming from home for the market. The rest of the goats remained in my mind but this goat got up from its place and joined the goats. I tried very hard to chase it back to its place but it came towards me He looked at me with such pleading eyes as if to say, "Take me with you. I will come back from outside." So I brought him with me. The reason I didn't understand was that I chose one of the goats of this business, a very beautiful little goat. Handsome belly inside, breasts outside and thighs full! When I asked for the price, it was said to be 80 thousand. I felt that when I tried to do bhao tao, the goat would stick to my legs and stay in the middle of the conversation. I also thought that the price is too high. Seeing the apathy, the business turned to another customer.

All of a sudden I heard a whisper from near me "Sir", I did not understand who was calling me "Sir" so humbly. I saw a goat, I looked at him, there were two big tears in his eyes. I asked what is the problem? I said, "This is the goat you were about to buy." I said, "Yes." He said shyly, "Thank you for not buying it. I love it." I thought to myself, Will also be killed like the "goats" who love the "goats" who are "leftovers".

I felt sorry for him, "I said, 'Tell me, what can I do for you?' I said, "Just don't let it be a bargain." I asked, "How is she?" As good as time is giving "Lux", if you take it home, it will run away as soon as the opportunity arises. Let him know that many people before you have lost their lives. " I laughed out loud at the goat's words, in love man and animal have the same intellect, so much so that I saw that the goat was liked by the customer and the price was fixed, but God knows the goat What happened was that he took three steps back and then hit the lower part of the abdomen of the prospective buyer, the goat's horns were also very pointed and the bump was also hit with the whole "comment minute", so the buyer was in pain. Double or triple. At the same time the goat ran from there, I saw the goat was going crazy with joy. He said to me emotionally, "Sir, I told you not to love me so much, today he also gave proof of his everlasting love!" Where could he have run away from, so he was grabbed by the ear and put back on the cell.

I liked this goat very much, it used its horns once to achieve its goal, otherwise goats and nations use the horns only to scratch.

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