Pakistan need a strategy to increase its human resources so that it can improve its quality

Pakistan need a strategy to increase its human resources
Pakistan need a strategy to increase its human resources


Does Pakistan need a strategy to increase its human resources so that it can improve its quality and increase the welfare of the majority of its population as much as possible? The success of the strategy requires effective cooperation and collaboration between federal, provincial, local governments, the private sector, the intelligentsia, think tanks, the media, NGOs and parents. It must be acknowledged at the outset that the main obstacle to the development of human capital in Pakistan is the lack of such cooperation.

Reviewing the current situation in Pakistan and the HEC's directive that “all children should be fully developed and educated and trained so that they can enter the job market to the best of their ability after graduation. To enter, "We identify issues where there is a gap between" what is "and" what should be ". This gap needs to be filled. The following suggestions came after research studies, practical observations and consultations with stakeholders by the Reforms Commission and the task force.

First, clarify the responsibilities between the various levels of government and restructure the education and health delivery structure and administration. The federal government should limit its scope to higher education and national health programs, ie approve universities and national centers of excellence, national institutes of health, regulatory authorities and testing laboratories. Provincial governments should provide colleges, technical and vocational training, Hospitals and Medical Education Institutions, while District Governments and Metropolitan, Municipal Corporations and Municipal Committees KG, Primary to Higher Secondary Schools, Primary Health Care, Primary Health Units, Rural Health Centers, Rural Health Centers, Tehsil Hospitals and Dispensaries and District and Municipal Hospitals should be run. Colleges and universities should have their own boards of management, while schools should also have management committees with appropriate powers and resources. The existing artificial disparity between development and non-development expenditure should be eliminated. And the procedure should be adopted according to the program.

Second, it is important to reduce gender inequality. Increase the enrollment ratio of women in educational institutions and the literacy rate equal to or higher than that of men. Evidence of higher profits in women's education is so undeniable and external factors are so positive that grants, scholarships and safe transport arrangements must be made for them. Female teachers have proven to be more determined and productive in the field of teaching. He should be the first choice in appointments in government schools. The quality of teachers in these schools is a serious barrier to academic achievement. An example is TCF schools where the teaching staff is all women. His exemplary performance is his greatest recommendation.

Third, bring 23 million out-of-school children back into formal and non-formal education and equip them with professional skills. Due to the lack of middle schools in their areas, most students drop out after primary education. There is a big difference in the ratio between admissions in primary schools and middle and secondary schools. New middle and secondary schools should be set up in areas where they are most needed. Second shifts in existing school buildings, a limited but relevant curriculum, including professional and life skills, can bring these children into the realm of education. The basic community school run by individual operators was a promising experience for non-formal primary education, which in recent years has been the subject of controversy between the federal and provincial governments over the funding of these schools. Introduce gradually from the first days of school so that critical thinking can be created.

In order to improve the educational situation, the entire process of teacher recruitment, quality and training has to be restructured and compensation has to be linked to academic achievements instead of equal pay for the board. There should be guidelines for measuring skills and performance. Science laboratories should be set up in middle and secondary schools where students can do practical activities for learning concepts. Fifth, Lady Health Workers made a promising start to accessing essential basic care services at home and at the community level and supporting the health system. However, they have lost their usefulness due to the decisions of bureaucratic and short-sighted leaders. These workers and family planning workers should be integrated to form a single cadre with clearly defined duties. They must be selected if they meet certain criteria. They should be provided with necessary vaccines etc. and handsets so that their performance can be recorded.

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